If you're overwhelmed, don't worry - that's normal. Like most people, you've probably watched countless videos and read just as many articles on how to eat and train. I urge you to stop. Yes, stop with the consumption of information. Sure, it feels good, but it doesn't get you anywhere.
We live in a time when all of the information is at our fingertips - this is a blessing and a curse. We can find all of the information we need to solve an issue, but we can also become obsessed and consume way more than we need. Ask yourself: do you genuinely need to hear what you should do from ten different people before you start taking action?
In his book, Unscripted, the author talks about a concept called action faking. The term refers to our tendency to do unnecessary things that make us feel like we are making progress. In reality, action faking brings a temporary sense of accomplishment but doesn't genuinely move the needle.
For example, a common manifestation of action faking is to consume information without taking action - books, podcasts, blog posts, and Youtube videos. If it's relevant to your current interest, you consume it. The problem is, doing all of these things does nothing for you. Sure, you might be a bit more knowledgeable, and that can be a good thing. But if you don't start taking action, guess what: you won't get anywhere.
A while back, I came across a comment and saved it to illustrate what I mean. I won't share the commenter's name, as it's not relevant.
"Wonderful article. I read more than 15 articles today and this one was the best!"
At first glance, this seems like nothing more than some innocent praise. But it reveals the process of action faking. Reading article after article might have made this fellow feel all fuzzy inside, but it didn't get him closer to his goal. Instead of consuming enough material to get started, he read more than 15 articles on the same topic, wasting time and effort he could have better spent on action.
I urge you to stop consuming information and to start taking action. Commit to one single path and see it through to success.